Wednesday 26 November 2014

Get a Glimpse of Wonderful Nature in Laos

Travel with Pureloas
There are numerous destinations in the world that are worth traveling. One such attractive destination is Laos, from Southeast Asia. This is an amazing place that helps you to see the most eye-catching parts of the world. Nature has a different definition in this part of the world. The mesmerizing looks of the place will surely make your heart skip a beat.
Laos is an amazing country that has numerous mountains. This place is home to extraordinary landscapes and beautiful mountains. Apart from the nature, the warm, welcoming nature of the inhabitants invites visitors to this part of the world. You will surely enjoy each and every moment that you spend in this amazing part of the world. 

This is a truly exotic place that is home to numerous temples and heritage sites. Most part of this country is still unexplored hence it can truly be a good adventure visiting this wonderful nation. Although every part of this place is worth visiting, few places from Laos are in the hit list that should never be missed. Travel with Purelaos to get a glimpse of the wonderful parts of Laos.

Wat Xieng Thong:

Laos is a place where one can find numerous temples, from which Wat Xieng Thong is an important one. This temple is also known as The Temple of the Golden City. The sight-seeing in this famous temple is truly remarkable as it is situated near the Mekong River. This temple holds a rich architectural and cultural importance. The sacred structure is not only enjoyable but is also very peaceful.
 Different types of artifacts can be found in the interior. Each and every corner of the temple is wonderful and will surely make your holidays a memorable one. In recent times, there are many travel agents that offer amazing tour packages. 

Wat Mai:

This is another renowned temple of Laos. Wat Mai, also known as Wat Mai Suwannaphumaham is a picturesque structure.  This is one of the most beautiful and largest temples of this amazing country. This place is known for its rich culture and aesthetic beauty. This temple is truly impressive due to numerous reasons. Not only it is home to a calm atmosphere, but also it was the temple of the royal family. Every part of the temple is noteworthy, especially the roof. The five-tiered roof of the temple is truly magnificent. 

Wat Visoun:

This famous temple in Luang Prabang is a must visit place of Laos. This temple was built in 1513 and is said to be the oldest temple. This temple signifies the tradition of Laos. This famous temple was rebuilt in the year 1890. The unusual thing about this temple is that the entrance is built in European style. This is considered as a valuable museum due to its valuable artifacts. The bronze statues of Buddha and other religious objects make the place worth visiting. 

Laos is a good choice to go for a tour with your family and friends. The rich cultural heritage and amazing natural beauty makes the whole place a wonder. Travel with Pureloas to enjoy a memorable experience. The unique packages offered by them help to see the best parts of Laos.

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